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Brand Storytelling: Guide to Telling Your Story on Social Media

With the rise of social media, we have seen an increase in the number of brands building their own voice in a crowded space. One of the most effective methods of establishing your unique identity is through brand storytelling, the practice of sharing your values, background, and reasons for doing what you do. By telling a brand story in a relatable and engaging way, brands can build a loyal following that engages with their content and is more likely to take the next step in the customer journey. This guide will help you understand the basics of brand storytelling and discover the power behind it for your brand.

What Is Brand Storytelling?

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by content. For brands to survive in this environment, they need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. Brands are doing this by creating real connections through storytelling that conveys who they are as a company, what they stand for, and what value they add to people’s lives. 

The power of storytelling lies in its ability to inspire us to take action or change our beliefs or behaviors, but it also can be used as a way to express your brand’s core values. The best brands use their stories to build long-lasting relationships with their customers by creating meaningful experiences for them.

It’s not just about telling your story; it’s about how you tell it — and how you use it to connect with people. Companies that use brand storytelling effectively are able to establish emotional connections with people based on the values they share with them, helping to foster a relationship between brand and customer. Here are five ways innovative companies are using brand storytelling to fuel growth.

Related: 4 Huge Reasons to Start Storytelling on Social Media

1. They understand the value of empathy

Consumers want brands to be more empathetic when interacting with them online — even if they’re just shopping for something as simple as coffee mugs or socks. They want to feel like individuals whose voices are heart, not faceless customers. And because many customers use social media as a customer service channel — via comments, reviews, and DMs — it’s imperative that brands respond to them. Having a dashboard like Rallio that pulls all your customer engagements into one inbox makes the process simple, so you never miss an interaction with a customer and a chance to make their day.

2. They use narrative techniques

From the hero’s journey to the three-act structure, there are many different narrative techniques that brands can employ to tell their stories. These are the kinds of narratives that have been around since the beginning of time, and for good reason: They resonate with audiences and help them to remember a story from start to finish. 

Other writing mechanisms can come into play for a well-rounded story, including anecdotes and metaphors, fairy tales, legends, and any other tools that resonate with you personally. Don’t get too caught up in the technique at the expense of sharing your story authentically; just write what you know as though you are sharing a story with a friend, which leads us to #3 below.

3. They’re authentic

The most compelling brand stories come from a place of authenticity. When you’re creating a brand story, you have to be honest about who you are and what you stand for. This allows your customers to connect with you on a deeper level.

The best brands don’t just talk about themselves, too — they share their story. When people see the real behind-the-scenes moments that led up to the creation of a product or service, they can relate to it in a way that’s real and authentic.

Not only do these stories help build trust between your brand and customers, but they also showcase how much time and effort goes into each product or service. This can lead to greater customer loyalty over time as people get to know your brand on a more personal level.

4. They make it a collaborative effort

Effective brand stories facilitate a connection between the audience and the brand — even making followers a part of the narrative. Getting audience input, interacting with followers via comments and DMs, and sharing user-generated content helps to build a bridge between brand and follower.

Ultimately, your audience needs to feel like they are part of your brand story — not just another follower on your page. They should feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves; that their contribution matters; that they have an impact on what happens next; and that their voice matters in shaping the future of your company, product or service.

Before you start crafting your messages, take some time to dig deep into who your audience is — what makes them tick? What are their values? What do they find important? What makes them laugh? What makes them cry? By getting inside their heads first, you can tailor your messaging with more accuracy.

5. They tailor messaging

When telling your brand story on social media, you can’t simply write it once and post it on every platform. For example, when you’re publishing on Facebook, your posts might include links to your blog, but on Instagram, you need to tell more of a visual story. Tailoring your message for each platform ensures you are reaching your followers where they’re at and seeing what’s relevant to them based on their interests and the networks they follow. With the Rallio platform, you can create different versions of your posts and schedule them out from one place instead of having to log in to each platform to do so.

Related: Content Marketing 101: Engage Your Audience With Great Storytelling


Great storytelling isn’t just for sitting around a campfire; it’s what allows your brand to stand out on social media and build relationships with your audience. The more you use storytelling, the better you’ll get at it — so dive in today! Check with the experts at Rallio about how to use our platform to streamline the process, saving you time and money and helping you tell your brand story both now and in the future. 

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